After a poor start, weather-wise, to the weekend at Tatchun Lake things took a positive turn on Sunday. A hot and sunny day complemented good fishing for all the folks that went on the water with three Yukon Conservation Officers. Local kids and adults, as well as Canadian and international travelers all took in the chance to spend time in a boat, pick up some fishing tips, and some of them even brought in great catches.
The shore-lunch fish fry, prepared by the Conservations Officers, of perfectly cooked boneless pike fillets, potatoes, beans and corn was appreciated by all!! The jury appears to still be out, however, on which of the methods for achieving boneless pike fillets was best. We’ll just have to try to settle that again next year!
The Yukon Fish and Game Association would like to extend a big THANK YOU to Yukon Environment for making the Dawson City, Carmacks and Mayo Conservation Officer staff, and their equipment, available for this fun and informative weekend.