About Us

Ensuring sound, long-term management of fish, wildlife, and outdoor recreational resources in the best interests of all Yukoners.

Who We Are

The Yukon Fish & Game Association is the largest frontline organization advocating for the protection and sustainable management of the Yukon’s wildlife and outdoor resources, while supporting the values, heritage and interests of anglers, hunters, and our First Nations partners. Our membership consists mainly of Yukoners—including both First Nations people and people not of First Nations ancestry—but is open to all who share our values.

Why We Exist

The YFGA’s purpose is to:

  • Ensure sound, long-term management of fish, wildlife, and outdoor recreation resources in the best interests of all Yukoners.
  • Show Yukoners the value of our fish, wildlife, and outdoor recreational resources.
  • Instill recognition and respect for fish, wildlife and outdoor recreation in the public conscience when considering wise and integrated use of our natural resources.
  • Obtain and maintain reasonable public access to all forests and recreational areas of the Yukon Territory.
  • Make people aware of the dangers that pollution poses to our land, air, and water—and cooperate with groups that are working toward the same goal.
  • Promote true sportsmanship, sports safety, and respect for fish and wildlife regulations and the fair and accepted rules of hunting and fishing.
  • Foster goodwill between sportsmen, outfitters, government agencies, outdoor enthusiasts, and land owners.

What We Do

The YFGA provides a forum for Yukoners to connect and share ideas about how to conserve and manage the territory’s outdoor resources ethically and sustainably. We support projects that protect wildlife habitat and bolster fish populations, and we also provide outdoor education and mentoring opportunities for women, youth, and people with limited outdoor experience.

How We Operate

The YFGA has a Board of Directors comprised of 12 Directors and 4 Executives. We have one fulltime Office Manager and a fulltime Executive Director to administer YFGA initiatives. To learn about the history of the YFGA, click here.

Download a PDF of the Yukon Fish and Game Association bylaws.

Board of Directors

Bryce Bekar

Bryce Bekar

Sevn Bohnet

Sevn Bohnet

Vice President
Rose Sellars

Rose Sellars

Robert Dekuysscher

Robert Dekuysscher

Aaron Florian

Aaron Florian

Steve Hossack

Steve Hossack

Walter Huberschwerlen

Walter Huberschwerlen

Christian Tessier

Christian Tessier

Patrick Mole

Patrick Mole

Atlin Potvin

Atlin Potvin

Youth Director

Office Staff

Eric Schroff

Executive Director

Saxon Ritchie

Office Manager
