Presidents Message

September 4, 2023


Presidents Message

Hello and thanks again for being a member of the YFGA, as a conservation organization we have had several obstacles to hurdle in recent years. One of the biggest that comes to mind is the contribution agreement.

This year YG has made it extremely difficult to get our funding, as well as many other not for profit associations. Although the conversation with the minister and his team last fall stated we would not see another year like last, we saw the same delays and increased workload to get across the gate. We also heard that many of the other groups were struggling to get funding and I am not sure where they ended up. Eric was able to support the YFGA and get our funding completed in July after 3 months of back and forthwith a lot of extra paperwork this year. Thanks for that Eric. We are happy to say that we believe in the next agreement we should be going back to a multiyear agreement with some up-front funding so we do need to run a deficit until we submit receipts and get approvals.

I would also like to thank all the members and directors that worked diligently to get the raffle across the line selling all of the2000 tickets. With the inability to fundraise through 2020-22 it left the YFGA in a tight spot and this is a huge benefit to the association in recovering from the past couple years. If you are able to donate a little extra to the YFGA’s conservation initiatives, it would be very much appreciated.

I hope that everyone who wanted to get out hunting this season had a safe and relaxing trip. As always, I encourage you to continue to hunt with your kids and not for them. The skills they learn in the Yukon wilderness will last them a lifetime.

It was a quite summer overall and we were able to meet with some of the YFWMB team and discuss items that are in the works or upcoming. One conversation that was a little alarming was the number of sheep mortalities Parks Canada has documented in the park. They fly annually and have a great database that shows ups and downs of the sheep population. This year the numbers are down, and we are hopeful we will see better numbers in the next survey. The high snowfall amounts in some areas has been noted for hardships the sheep are seeing these days.

The YFGA will continue to work for you on our conservation goals and I encourage you to send us any recommendations for events you are involved in that the YFGA can attend or be of some support
