Message for Members


May 4, 2020

4:00 pm


5:00 pm


Message for Members

Good afternoon, everyone.  I hope you and your families are well and looking forward to spring.

I spoke with Graham Van Tighem, Executive Director of the YFWMB, on Friday and he let me know that the Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board is moving forward with consideration of the moose management proposals submitted by Yukon government.

The deadline for completion of the survey (available on the YFWMB website) is May 15.

It is very important that we get as many members as possible to complete the survey and register opposition to these proposals moving ahead at this time.

The proposals, if adopted, will affect hunting opportunities in some areas immediately and will effectively remove important checks and balances in policy development and implementation that may significantly adversely affect hunting opportunities for licensed hunters in Yukon for years to come.

We need to ensure that there is further dialogue and consultation between the Department of Environment and the hunting community on moose management BEFORE any proposals are presented to the YFWMB.

Please take a few minutes and complete the survey.  Also, if there is more than one hunter in the household, I have been told that the survey system only allows one submission per computer.  Each submission must come from a different computer!  Please keep that in mind!

Thanks very much for your support of YFGA.  Let’s see if we can get another couple of hundred responses to the Board by the May 15th deadline.  This is a vitally important issue.

Also, please give serious consideration to sending an email to the YFWMB expressing your concern with the review process and the fact that the Board is pressing forward at this time given the lack of public engagement during the Covid19 restrictions.

Eric Schroff, Executive Director
